Josep Pi - Manager
I’ve created the animationcontrolled method inside units.cpp. It’s based on the commands of the path finding and relating each action of the path finding with the correct set of animations for every single unit.
Sprite Sheets Organization
I’ve helped the artist with the organization of all the sprite sheets and tables of the horde.
Here we have an example of a sprite sheet.
Filling the Data Base with them
We’ve used a module that animates automatically by filling the data base and organizing the spritesheet.
Here is how we implement the animations to the entities.
Sync attack speed and animations
Adapting the animations to the attack speed of each entitiy making sure the particles and the damage shows at the correct frame.
Updating Trello
Creating cards, checklists, time to do the task and assigning the people in order to do it.
Tracking all the issues during the development and problems and bringing them up during the meetings.
Creating and updating the production plan
Updating the production plan using all the actions in trello and know how much time do we have in order to accomplish our milestones. Creating all the functions and organizing various formulas to make things easier.
Having points to discuss during the meetings
Writing all the points we need to talk about at the white board and making sure we get an answer before the end of the meeting.
Issues at github.
Creating and reassign each member of the team to their area of knowledge. Keeping track every issue is taken care of and closing the ones that are fixed.